Playing the Music of Tom Petty
& The Heartbreakers
In October 2017, the music community lost one of its most iconic songwriters & musicians, Thomas Earl Petty, who, along with his band The Heartbreakers wrote, recorded & performed some of the most enduring songs of the last 40 years.
The Heartfakers aim is to keep Tom's music alive, no wigs or look-a-likes, just six experienced musicians faithfully recreating these great compositions as accurately as possible.
During our two hour show, we'll take you on an authentic sounding musical journey through Tom's career, including American Girl, Breakdown, plus many songs from Damn The Torpedoes, Long After Dark, up to Mojo & Hypnotic Eye, plus some from Tom's solo albums, including Full Moon Fever, Wildflowers and Highway Companion, and some Travelling Wilburys tracks too, plus duets that Tom performed with Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac.
Visit their website at https://www.heartfakers.com